


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR)


Ultra Violet / Visible Spectroscopy (UV/vis)


Fourier-transform infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR)


Infra-red (IR) Spectroscopy

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR)


NMR directly observes atoms (nuclear spins) of molecules when detailed molecular information is essential. When placed in an external magnetic field and subjected to radiofrequency (RF) radiation, the nuclei absorb energy and undergo a transition between energy states. The absorbed energy is then released as RF signals when the nuclei return to their original states. By analysing these signals, information about the sample's composition, structure, and dynamics can be obtained.


NMR provides both qualitative and quantitative data making it a key technique, of which both NMR and Quantitative NMR (qNMR) are available at RSSL. NMR analysis is a powerful spectroscopic technique suitable for application to a wide range of matrices with a large range of applications within the food and pharmaceutical industry.





  • Bruker NEO 600 MHz NMR spectrometer with room temperature broad band iProbe, capable of 1H, 13C, 19F, 31P, 15N 1D and 2D correlation experiments. iProbe design allows for 1H-19F decoupling. TXI probe also available with enhanced water suppression capability.
  • JEOL ECA 400 MHz NMR spectrometer with room temperature broad band probe, capable of 1H, 13C, 19F, 31P, 15N 1D and 2D correlation experiments. 


  • 01010974 Avance Neo And 600

    Life science capabilities and applications

    • Expediated turnaround times available
    • Purity/assay assessments with minimal method development and without the need for certified reference materials.
    • Structural elucidation of isolated unknown impurities
    • Fingerprint of all organic material present in a sample – invaluable in cases of suspected fraudulent products or in product deformulation.
    • Fully compliant service offering, meeting GMP requirements and FDA & MHRA inspected.
    • Product development (Early stage to CMC).
    • Release testing.
    • Ideal technique to confirm structure of small molecules (<2000 Da) without the need for reference materials.
    • Stability testing.
    • Pharmacopeial testing.
    • Method validation/transfer/verification.
    • Method development and troubleshooting.
    • Identification testing/structure confirmation.
    • Structure elucidation of unknowns.
    • Quantitative NMR (for assay/purity assessment).
    • Pharmacopeial testing.
    • Investigatory analysis.
    • Comparative analysis.
    • Fraudulent product analysis.
    • Product deformulation.
    • Biopolymer monomer ratios 



Ultra Violet / Visible Spectroscopy (UV/Vis)


UV/Vis spectroscopy is a technique used to determine the concentration of a substance in a sample. In UV/Vis spectroscopy, a sample is exposed to ultraviolet or visible radiation, and the resulting absorption spectrum is measured. This absorption spectrum provides information about the concentration of the substance in the sample, making it a versatile tool for analysing various aspects of food quality safety and composition as well as playing a vital role in drug development, manufacturing and quality assurance. 





Various instruments, including:

  • Thermo Fisher Spectrophotometer Evolution 201
  • USP& EP qualified equipment
  • Perkin Elmer Lambda 650 (with Integrating Sphere)
  • Shimadzu 1900i
  • Agilent Cary 60


  • UV Vis

    Life science capabilities and applications

    • Product development (Early stage to CMC)
    • Release testing
    • Stability testing
    • Pharmacopeial and regulatory compliance
    • Method development and troubleshooting
    • Investigatory analysis
    • Comparative analysis
    • Sulphur Dioxide (Sulfur Dioxide) analysis
    • Fraudulent product analysis
    • Product deformulation
    • Phototoxicity Studies
    • Colouration of Capsules
    • Container Closure Integrity Testing
    • Fully compliant service offering, meeting GMP requirements and FDA & MHRA inspected
    • Allows for quick assessment of absorption maxima; aids molecular characterisation and investigations
    • Quantitative response allows for purity/assay assessments to be conducted quickly, where suitable
    • Spectral Transmission of Glass Containers Ph. Eur (EP) 3.2.1, USP <660>
    • Sodium Hyaluronate Assay Ph. Eur (EP) 1472
    • Expediated turnaround times available, on request



Fourier-transform Infra-red Spectroscopy


FT-IR spectroscopy is a technique used to determine the functional groups and molecular structure of compounds. In FT-IR spectroscopy, a sample is exposed to infrared radiation, and the resulting absorption spectrum is measured. This absorption spectrum provides information about the vibrations of the atoms in the molecule, which can be used to determine the functional groups and molecular structure of the compound.





  • Various instruments throughout the labs, including:
    • Perkin Elmer Spotlight 400 Infrared Imaging Microscope
    • Thermo Fischer Scientific Nicolet iN10 MX Infrared Imaging Microscope


  • Thermo Nicolet In10

    Life science capabilities and applications

    • Product development (Early stage to CMC).
    • Drug characterisation and identification
    • Release testing.
    • Stability studies.
    • Pharmacopeial testing.
    • Method development and troubleshooting.
    • Pharmacopeial testing.
    • Investigatory analysis.
    • Comparative analysis
    • Fraudulent/counterfeit product analysis
    • Product deformulation
    • Ability to analyse materials using standard techniques.
    • Disc
    • Nujol mull
    • Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR)
    • Film and liquid
    • Gas cells
    • Quantitative and qualitative analysis
    • USP <197> A, E, F, K, M, S
    • Ability to analyse microscopic particles (e.g., impurities, microplastics).
    • Ability to analyse tiny subsamples taken from a larger bulk.
    • Identification of unknown organic materials/impurities (many materials have a unique FT-IR spectrum).
    • Chemical characterisation (determination of functional groups).
    • Scanning of millimetre-size areas across your sample to locate particles (e.g., impurities, microplastics).
    • Microstructure characterisation by FT-IR imaging.
    • Investigation of material changes with increasing temperature (up to 300 °C).
    • Quick assessment of organic and inorganic profile without the need for dissolution; aids molecular characterisation and investigations.
    • Fully compliant service offering, meeting GMP requirements and FDA & MHRA inspected.
    • USP& EP qualified equipment



Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy


Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is a technique that measures how infrared radiation is absorbed or transmitted by a sample. IR provides a valuable tool in the life science industry to ensure safety and compliance through identifying chemical compounds 





Instrumentation qualified to Ph. Eur (EP) 2.2.25, USP <857> and JP 2.24
•    Perkin Elmer Spectrum 2
•    Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR)


  • Pharmachem RD 4915 Hrbrighter

    Life science capabilities and applications

    • Drug characterisation and identification
    • Pharmacopeial testing (Ph. Eur (EP) 2.2.24, USP <197>: Procedures A, D, F, K, M (E, S) JP 2.25)
    • Method development and troubleshooting.
    • Fully compliant service offering, meeting GMP requirements and FDA & MHRA inspected.
    • USP& EP qualified equipment